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HomeNewsSecond Indigenous pop-up clinic to be held at House of Ancestors

Second Indigenous pop-up clinic to be held at House of Ancestors

The First Nations Health Authority is hosting a Moderna second dose clinic in Prince George.

It will take place Wednesday and Thursday of next week (July 21st and 22nd).

The clinic will be held at the House of Ancestors.

Acting Executive Director, Julie Morrison told MyPGNow.com organizing another clinic was key following a strong turnout earlier in the spring.

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“We felt it was important to host a second dose clinic but we are open to anyone who may need a first dose as well. We had a really good response to our first clinic so I thought we would do it again. The more people get vaccinated, the safer we all will be and we are open to anyone coming.”

“We ask that people register prior to coming but if they are not able to we will welcome walk-ins as well.”

In May, the Urban and Away from Home Indigenous Vaccination Clinic was held at the same facility.

Roughly 11-hundred people were vaccinated with 243 of those considered walk-ins.

In two rounds of vaccinations, the First Nations Health Authority has supported over 150 vaccination clinics in 55 communities and three Urban and Away from Home Dose 1 clinics in Prince George, Terrace, and Fort St. John.

These community clinics provided 12,445 Dose 1 vaccines and 9,954 Dose 2 vaccines.

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