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HomeNewsOver 53% of BC adults now fully vaccinated

Over 53% of BC adults now fully vaccinated

Health officials reported 49.9% of eligible BC residents 12+ are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Additionally, 79.5% (3,686,611) of eligible people 12 and older have received their first dose.

Meanwhile,  80.6% (3,485,949) of all eligible adults in BC have received their first dose and 53.2% (2,301,322) received their second dose.

45 new cases of COVID-19 were found in BC, for a total of 148,331 cases in the province.

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There are currently 652 active cases, and 145,908 people who tested positive have since recovered.

Of the active cases, 60 individuals are currently in hospital and 12 are in intensive care.

Breakdown by Region:

Something going on in the Prince George area you think people should know about?
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  • one new case in Northern Health
    • Total active cases: 29
  • 13 new cases in Fraser Health
    • Total active cases: 163
  • eight new cases in Vancouver Coastal Health
    • Total active cases: 259
  • 21 new cases in Interior Health
    • Total active cases: 164
  • two new cases in Island Health
    • Total active cases: 30
  • no new cases of people who reside outside of Canada
    • Total active cases: seven
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