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HomeNewsCOVID-19 cases spike in PG Local Health Area

COVID-19 cases spike in PG Local Health Area

The BC Centre for Disease Control is reporting an increase in new COVID-19 cases in the Prince George Local Health area.

Between December 19th and 25th, there were 96 new cases reported in the PG area.

The week before (December 12th to 18th), there were 60 in the area.

Vaccination percentages were not updated this week.

Other Local Health Areas in the North with notable totals included:

  • Smithers: 55 new cases, up from 4
  • Cariboo/Chilcotin: 32 new cases, down from 89
  • Quesnel: 17 new cases, up from 15
  • Nechako: 13 new cases, up from 2
  • Peace River North: 31 new cases, down from 39
  • Peace River South: 21 new cases, up from 14



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