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HomeNewsNess Lake Bible Camp's Polar Bear Dip set for Saturday

Ness Lake Bible Camp’s Polar Bear Dip set for Saturday

The Ness Lake Bible Camp will be raising money to help send kids to camp the best (and coldest) way they know how on Saturday: the Polar Bear Dip-swim.

“It’s going to look a little different, just dealing with extreme cold and dealing with COVID and trying to keep people spaced out,” Interim Director, Dave Horton.

Horton says this year’s Polar Bear Dip will just be a drop in event this year, and will be a faster event.

“It should be pretty similar in a lot of ways, just less lineups. That’s the one thing, we’re just creating a system so there’s way fewer lineups, way less standing around outside and inside. We’re doing that to manage people in the cold, but also the keep the groups who come separated from each other.”

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Horton says the event is fundraising to help kids who can’t otherwise afford it to come to camp. He added last year over $30,000 was raised.

As of this afternoon (Thursday) Environment Canada is forecasting highs of -12 and snow for Saturday.

“-12 is like t-shirt weather,” Horton joked, “I think I’ve done 22 polar bear dips, the colder it is, to a certain degree, the better it is.”

Horton says people who are coming should, bring shoes or sandals that can be put on quickly. He added there is a costume contest, and costumes should be able to be removed quickly as well.

In addition, Horton says because parts of the event will be inside, participants must be vaccinated, and will have to show their BC Vaccine Card.

The entry fee for the dip is $40.00.

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