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HomeNewsDecampment of Millennium Park begins

Decampment of Millennium Park begins

Correction: The original story said city crews were dismantling the park on Saturday. The crews that were on site were not with the city. The encampment has now been removed.

Crews have arrived at Millennium Park and the dismantling of the encampment has begun.

Residents and volunteers were working over the past few days to help remove items and belongings from the encampment, delivering them to Moccasin Flats, some to indoor supportive housing, and others to undisclosed locations around the city where new encampments could crop up.

Two large trailers are parked on George Street that were starting to be loaded, as a handful of people watched from their cars parked across the street.

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On a glace, most of the tents and tarps were still in the encampment and it will likely take crews multiple days to clear the lot.

Residents were given a week and a half’s notice after City Council made the call to shut the encampment down on August 31st, citing overcrowding and clutter as serious dangers to those living inside.

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