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HomeNewsEvacuation Orders for Fort Nelson area to be rescinded Monday morning

Evacuation Orders for Fort Nelson area to be rescinded Monday morning

The Northern Rockies Regional Municipality (NRRM) says the evacuation orders for Fort Nelson and the Fort Nelson First Nation will be rescinded tomorrow (Monday) morning at 8:00.

An Evacuation Alert will remain in place until the risk from fire has been eliminated.

According to the NRRM, several properties that were damaged in the initial fire are not safe for public access.

To ensure public safety, a Prohibit Entry Order will remain in place on those properties until they have been effectively secured.

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Only property owners, their designates or other permitted personnel may enter a Prohibit Entry Order area, under permit issued by the NRRM Emergency Operations Centre.

According to the BC Wildfire Service, the Parker Lake Wildfire is 12,348 hectares in size, and is still listed as Out of Control.

There are 149 firefighters responding to the wildfire, with 18 helicopters and 11 pieces of heavy equipment.

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