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HomeNewsPG Rotary Week Starts Up

PG Rotary Week Starts Up

Rotary Clubs in Prince George are being honoured by the city.

Today marks the start of Rotary Week in PG to recognize the 73 years of work the local clubs have contributed to building the community.

“There are three rotary clubs in town and internationally there are over 30,000” said Prince George Rotary Club President Ross Birchall. “The international motto is ‘Service Above Self’ so we very generally believe we need to be giving back to our communities and contributing to the greater good worldwide.”

Birchall says you don’t have to look hard to see the clubs’ projects in the city.

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“In the community you’ll see the Rotary Soccer Fields” said Birchall. “We contribute to capital projects like the bike racks that just went in downtown and we also take part in programs. Our club in particular has the men’s health initiative.”

Local Rotary Clubs also support local foodbanks and meal programs as well as Elementary School Dictionary and reading delivery.

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