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HomeNewsGas prices to rise again across the north during Easter weekend

Gas prices to rise again across the north during Easter weekend

The price at the pumps in Prince George and northern BC will see another gradual increase according to Gasbuddy.com.

Current prices range from 107.4 to 126.9 in the northern capital.

The refineries are gearing up for summer according to Senior Petroleum Analyst, Dan McTeague.

“From April 1st to April 15th refineries are required to change the mix of their gasoline as temperatures rise so there is, in fact, a four cent a litre increase in the offing by about Easter.”

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“So that would prices much higher than they were last year, we’re now trending in the 16 to 18 cent range compared to this time in 2017 and I think it’s a strong indication of just how thing have turned around between oil and gasoline.”

He adds they continue to monitor the slumping Canadian dollar, which sits at 77-cents.

McTeague is also keeping a close eye on the Trans Mountain Pipeline situation along with soaring gas prices in Vancouver that could rise to 155.9 as early as tomorrow, which would be a new record.

BC Premier John Horgan and Alberta Premier Rachel Notley have been squabbling over the pipeline, which could hypothetically see our neighbours to the east possibly shut off the oil, possibly leading to drivers paying anywhere between two and three dollars a litre for fuel.

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that and cooler head prevail and Ottawa upholds its decision via the law and that any foot-dragging by the BC government is set aside immediately.”

As for the sky-rocketing gas prices in the Greater Vancouver area, the culprit is the Parkland refinery shut down, which seems to have no end in sight at the moment.

“It’s still not open, it represents about twenty-five percent of all the gasoline produced of the Vancouver, market as it’s located in Burnaby – it continues to be down and of course much of the supply or the additional supply in the absence of that refinery it is being fulfilled by the Washington state refineries,” added McTeague.

He adds the region including Prince George shouldn’t be hit too hard as they have a refinery within city limits, which should mitigate the effects.

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