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HomeNewsCity hands out $350k in social development grants

City hands out $350k in social development grants

The City of Prince George handed $350,000 in grants today at city hall.

In its second year, the My PG Social Development Fund helps out dozens of local non profit organizations.

Kay Robinson with Prince George Metis Housing Society says their grant helps fund a unique service for the city’s most vulnerable citizens.

“We give out free voice mail phone numbers to people without a phone so they can still access affordable housing, employment, healthcare and social services.”

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Robinson says they currently have 164 people signed up and hope to expand to the outlying communities in the future.

Groundwork PG is a recipient that helps out another type of vulnerable people for the benefit of the whole community.

“Groundwork PG is a program designed to give back to the local community.” Program coordinator Justin Foster says “By offering employment to men who were previously incarcerated, it helps guys work towards balanced community living by working in the community, making money and giving back.”

Foster says that since Groundwork PG was born under two years ago he has seen huge benefits to the community with many men moving through the program to find full time work.

The Prince George Symphony Orchestra also got a piece of the pie for a project that will help celebrate the city’s 100th birthday.

“The centennial piano project is spearheaded by our piano technician Peter.” Symphony General Manager Jeremy Stewart says “There are going to be pianos around Prince George, some indoors, some outdoors and getting painted by local artists and free for community members to come along and play and enjoy that aspect of piano culture.”

The pianos will be in place this summer.

Other recipients included the St Vincent de Paul Society, Two Rivers Gallery, Theatre Northwest, Big Brother Big Sisters and more.

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